Closet Search Filter

Whether you're a travel lover like me and find yourself constantly living out of a suitcase or simply just need a better way to go through your stuffed drawers - this is the app for you. I used JavaScript React to create my own personal clothing search filter. This now allows me to scroll through my various items as well as filter the results depending on desired type or color. I included functions such as "pin" and "unpin" in order to see different clothing items next to each other. There is also a hide button to prevent the item from appearing in the results whether it's because it's a no or because it's in the dirty bin.
Whether you're a travel lover like me and find yourself constantly living out of a suitcase or simply just need a better way to go through your stuffed drawers - this is the app for you. View the rest and more on desktop.

Skills Performed:
JavaScript React
filtering arrays
Class Based Components

Online Blog

Being passionate about the practice of journaling I decided to create a simple online blog platform using JavaScript React and Google Firebase. I designed the homepage to include a photo of a journal overlayed with some writing I did on SketchPad to evoke that handwritten journal feel. Under "thoughts" I have the entries being transferred from Firebase appearing in order from newest to oldest. Lastly, you can create a new entry under the "new" tab that will add onto the Firebase data collection at publish. I kept the design clean and simple embodying that of a blank notebook.

Skills Performed:
JavaScript React
Hooks: useState and useEffect
Google FireBase

Skills Performed:
Media Queries
vanilla- javascript
domain and hosting

Personal Portfolio

When it came to putting together my Front-end Web Developer portfolio, it was important to me that I design and code it myself. I believe what separates me from other developers is my experience in the creative industry and personal style. I appreciate website builders such as Wordpress and Wix and believe with additional coding skills you can really achieve a unique website, however the themes and layouts can be repetitive. I achieved a collage-like landing page using the Math Random JavaScript Method. I thought it encapsulated my personality and style well. I then created the single page tab method using Query Selector to provide a simple and organized way of browsing through my projects.


Skills Performed:
Adobe Photoshop

For one of my Tech Interviews, I was tasked with receiving a PSD file and converting it into a live and responsive website. I was able to use Adobe Photoshop to open the file and see what fonts, colors, and photos were used by the UI/UX Designer. I proceeded to build the desired website using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap - making sure to follow the design layout whilst keeping it responsive to any window size. Lastly, I incorporated a jump to section click function to provide ease and functionality. The website is local to my computer and cannot be publicly accessed.


Skills Performed:
Plug Ins
Visual Portfolio

After doing some reasearch, I found a lot of Web Developers choosing to become acquainted with Website Builders such as Wordpress and Shopify. I decided to use Wordpress this time to create a photo gallery website for my modeling portfolio. I used the Elementor Plug In to provide ease with building as well as the Visual Portfolio Plug In to create this dynamic grid effect. The website is fully responsive and will keep the brick layout look until it reaches a small screen to which the photos will then stack on top of another. Visual Portfolio also allowed me to create a hover for info design and a click to popup and scroll function.


Online Blog

Being passionate about the practice of journaling I decided to create a simple online blog platform using JavaScript React and Google Firebase. View the rest and more on desktop.

Skills Performed:
JavaScript React
Hooks: useState and useEffect
Google FireBase


Current Portfolio Coded from Scratch

When it came to putting together my Front-end Web Developer portfolio, it was important to me that I design and code it myself. I believe what separates me from other developers is my experience in the creative industry and personal style. View the rest and more on desktop.

Skills Performed:
Media Queries
vanilla- javascript
domain and hosting